Friday 25 August 2017

Kyle's diary

My teacher gave me a diary today. She said I have to write in it every single day for three weeks! I don’t know what to write! She said it is better to write in my diary than play computer games. I hate writing. It’s boring. I got to level 3 of Bubble Fish.
I fell asleep at my desk today. The teacher shouted something and I woke up. Everyone was laughing at me. If I didn’t have to write in this stupid diary, then I wouldn’t be so tired.
Mum caught me with my games tablet under the covers tonight. I tried to pretend I was asleep, but she pulled the covers back and found it. She said if she finds me with it again she’ll kill me. She won’t really kill me of course, but she’ll take it away. She’s says it’s not good for me to always play computer games. She tries to get me to read books, but I hate books. They’re boring. I didn’t tell her about the diary. I’m keeping that a secret.
I scored 1000 points on Beat the Barbarian. Hooray! That’s my favourite game at the moment. My friend Lewis could only get 350! Ha ha. That will show him. He always thinks he’s cleverer than me.
I’m on a new game now. It’s called Shoot to Kill. It’s for older boys, but Mum will never know. Beat the Barbarian is for babies.
I’ve just woken up from a really bad dream. Someone was chasing me with a gun. I was trying to hide but they found me and shot me. I’m not going to play Shoot to Kill anymore.
I could hear my mum and dad arguing tonight. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, just their voices getting louder and louder. I think Dad is having problems at work or something. Mum is always worried that we haven’t got enough money. Dad tells her not to worry, but that seems to make her worse.
I nearly fell asleep at my desk again today. No one saw me, thank goodness. I hate it when people laugh at me.
My dad didn’t go to work today. He didn’t even get out of bed. Mum was screaming at him to get up. I scored 600 on Smash Kids.
Lewis’s Dad bought him a new tablet. I’m crying about it now. I hate Lewis.
Lewis and I had a fight in the playground. I told Mum I fell over but she didn’t believe me. She was really angry and made me go to bed early. Dad got up today but he didn’t get dressed. Mum goes out every night now, so I can play games all night if I want to. Ha ha!
Dad looks like a ghost. I don’t like it – he scares me. I’m on to the next level of Smash Kids. That will show Lewis. He thinks he’s so great all the time.
I heard Mum come into my room tonight. I pretended to be asleep and hid my tablet under the covers. She leaned down and kissed me and stroked my forehead. She hasn’t done that since I was a baby.
Mum said she’s going away for few days. I heard her tell Dad that if he didn’t get another job soon she was going to leave him – forever! I really hope he gets a job soon. I don’t want my mum to leave. I cried when she left.
I slept in and was late for school today. I forgot to set the alarm. I had to get my own breakfast. Dad was still in bed when I left and he was still there when I came home. Nan came round and cooked us tea. She took some in for Dad on a tray, but he didn’t eat it. I’m really worried about him. I wish Mum would come home.
I got to school really late again and the teacher took me into her office and asked me if everything was all right. I told her that Dad wasn’t very well. I didn’t tell her about Mum, though.
When I got home, Dad was asleep on the sofa in his dressing gown. The TV was on and there were beer cans all over the place. I tried to get him to wake up, but he was out cold. When Nan came round she was really angry. She gave me some money for fish and chips and when I came back, Dad was lying on the sofa with a blanket over him. Nan sent me up to my room. I ate my fish and chips and went to bed.
Mum still hasn’t come home. Dad’s beard is getting bigger. He hasn’t had a wash for days. I tried to ask him if he was alright, but he just told me to go away and play my games. I took my tablet to bed but I couldn’t be bothered with it. What’s the point? I wish Mum would come home. Computer games are boring. I wish Dad could get a job.
Lewis was boasting today about his new tablet that his Dad bought for him. I told him my Dad was going to buy me an even better one. When I got home from school, Dad was in bed. He was still wearing his dressing gown and he was lying there moaning. I told him I hated him for making Mum go away. He said a word that I know is really rude, so I’m not going to write it here. I’m really angry with him, but I know it’s not his fault he can’t find a job. I wish Mum would come home.
My Nan came over and spent the whole day with us. I feel safe when Nan is here, even though she shouts a lot. She shouted at Dad to pull himself together. In the evening, Nan and I watched a cartoon together. I asked her where Mum was, and she said that she had had to go away for a few days because she had a few problems she needed to sort out. I started to cry and Nan said that life isn’t always a bed of roses, whatever that means. I couldn’t sleep after that because my throat felt tight from crying.
Got up really late today. When I went downstairs, there was a doctor sitting at the kitchen table. Nan was biting her nails and she looked really worried. She gave me a hug and said that Dad would need to go to hospital for a while. She made me go upstairs and pack a bag, because I was going to be staying at her house. The doctor left and an ambulance came for Dad. I watched from my bedroom window. Two men had to help him walk to the ambulance. He was all hunched over and just staring at the ground. I told him not to worry, Mum would be home soon. He couldn’t hear me of course. Nan made me sausages and mash for tea.
It’s a bank holiday today, so I didn’t have to go to school. I woke up in my Nan’s spare room. There was a radio on in the kitchen and Nan was frying bacon. I felt very peaceful. I went to get my games tablet from my bag but it wasn’t there. I must have left it in my bedroom at home. I felt really sad at first but it doesn’t seem to matter anymore. I just want my mum and dad back again. Thank goodness I’ve still got my diary.

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