Saturday 12 February 2022

Extract from my novel The Glens of Carnegie

‘You don’t say much, do you?’ said Tab, lighting a cigarette and taking a puff.
‘Is that bad?’ said Jess.
‘No, not at all. In fact, it’s what I like about you. You’re a good listener. Hey, sorry. Do you want one?’
Jess declined.

Friday 28 January 2022

What's new, Sassenach?

If you're stuck for something to watch of an evening, why not try Outlander?

Without giving too much away, a young woman finds herself in Scotland at the time of the Jacobite rebellion of 1745. The series follows her adventures. But this isn't your typical historical drama. With a strong cast and equally strong Scottish accents, this show will leave you breathless. After every episode, I can't wait to find out what happens next.

The Scottish landscape is also breathtaking. Perhaps I'm biased because I live close to where the series was filmed. (I recognised a former college pal of mine amongst the throng of extras!)

Be prepared for smatterings of Gaelic and French without subtitles, and some scenes of sex and violence which, I hasten to add, are in no way gratuitous. There's nothing in there that isn't relevant to the story.

It's a slow-burner - I wasn't hooked until at least episode three - but stick with it and I promise you won't be disappointed.

Monday 24 January 2022

Work in progress

In my spare time (I have a day job), I find myself snatching moments here and there to do little bits of work on my writing projects. That’s in between catching up on social media, putting washing in the machine or taking the dogs for a walk. As you can imagine, progress on my novel is very slow - a pencil mark here, a sticky note there (I’m on my third or fourth round of edits. Sigh!). Sometimes I might even do some work on my next children’s book. But most of my spare time is spent in deep contemplation about life, the universe and everything, and wishing I could get those darned things finished!